Chemical and Sensory Properties of Soursop Smoothie Formulated from Soursop, Tiger Nut Milk, Date Palm and Noni Juice

Author Details

Amadi, Joy A. C, Oly-Alawuba, N. M

Journal Details


Published: 9 March 2020 | Article Type :


The study was designed to determine the chemical and sensory properties of soursop smoothie formulated from soursop, tiger nut milk, date palm and noni juice. Matured soursop fruit was allowed to ripe for five (5) days at room temperature. It was thoroughly washed, peeled, cut into pieces, de-seeded and grinded with an electric blender to achieve the soursop pulp. Dried date palm fruits were sorted, de-seeded, washed, soaked in water for 10 minutes to soften and grinded with electric blender with 100g of water. Dried yellow tiger nut were sorted to remove spoilt ones, stones and other particles, washed to remove dust and dirt, and soaked in cold water over-night in a room temperature to soften it. The tiger-nut was wet-grinded with an electric blender using 1 litre of water to facilitate blending. The mixture was filtered using a muslin cloth to extract tigernut milk. Noni fruits were washed and placed in a sieve to air dry for 30 minutes in a room temperature. Noni fruit peels and seeds were removed and the juice was extracted. The grinded soursop and date palm pulp, tiger nut milk and noni juice were measured according to the blending ratio labeled A-D using a measuring cylinder into the blender and mixed for one second. The smoothie was analyzed for proximate, micronutrient, phytochemical and pH using standard methods. Sensory acceptability was carried out using 9 hendonicscale. Data generated was analyzed using Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) version 21.0. Two way Analysis of variance was performed and means were separated using Duncan’s new multiple range test. Significance level was set at p<0.05.Ash content was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample A (2.09g) and sample B (2.22g), fibre was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample A (1.90g) and sample C (1.97g), while carbohydrate was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample B (11.34g).micronutrient composition revealed that vitamin C was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample C (230mg), calcium was significantly (p<0.05)higher in sample A and B(20mg) respectively, potassium was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample Band C (270mg) respectively, sodium was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample D (160mg) while manganese was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample B (2020mg). Phytochemical composition showed that flavonoid was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample A (1.98mg), phenolic acid significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample B (1.71) and sample D (1.77mg), alkaloid significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample D (5.00mg), pH was significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample B (7.61) while sample D was generally accepted. Soursop smoothie contains low protein, fat, but high in micronutrient. It contains phytochemicals and is an alkaline smoothie. Production and consumption of soursop smoothie should be encouraged.

Keywords: smoothie, soursop, tiger nut, noni, date palm.

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How to Cite


Amadi, Joy A. C, Oly-Alawuba, N. M. (2020-03-09). "Chemical and Sensory Properties of Soursop Smoothie Formulated from Soursop, Tiger Nut Milk, Date Palm and Noni Juice." *Volume 4*, 1, 41-47